Stock quotes come one at a time, but they're free and you don't have to register to get them. The quote server can also link you to Securities and Exchange Commission filings for the companies you select.
66. The Outpost Network
Who needs stamps anymore? Using Outpost's forms, you can vent via e-mail to politicians, corporations, activist organizations, and the media at large.
67. Firefly (
Meet your match with this personalized music service. Firefly recommends artists or albums for you based on your ratings of preselected artists and sound samples.
68. The San Francisco Exploratorium
Even if you don't live in the Bay Area, the Exploratorium's Web-based Learning Studio brings scientific experimentation to your Mac.
69. Madlib! (
Submit a couple of silly adjectives, some verbs ending in -ed, and a noun or two, and you've got an online Madlib masterpiece that will spark as many giggles as its paper-based predecessor.
70. Confession Booth
In this hurly-burly world, it's tough enough just to get to the market before closing, much less take time out for Higher Purposes. If the guilt of past actions weighs heavily upon your soul, take a few moments to visit the Confession Booth.
For those of us who endured five years of Spanish classes only to recall the single phrase [[questiondown]]Albóndigas, no te dije?, this site is a godsend. Download sound files of the most helpful phrases in 19 languages. For those who still find themselves struggling with a language, the site also includes links to other phrase pages and to online translation dictionaries.
72. WEB Personals (
If you're looking for love or just a good laugh, hook up to this swinging social scene. Ads are categorized by the kind of relationship desired and then grouped by country and state. As is the case with printed personals, it's a seller's market for heterosexual women: When we checked, 481 women were seeking relationships with men, whereas 2,703 men sought female companionship.
73. Build a Card (
Uh-oh. You're on a business trip, and you forgot that today is your anniversary. It may be too late for flowers but not for a personalized electronic greeting card.
74. KidPub (
This site's Webmeister started KidPub to give his nine-year-old daughter an outlet for her stories, and now he hosts hundreds of stories and poems, many of them illustrated, by kids aged roughly 4 to 15. A handy form lets your child submit stories.
75. The Cyrano Server
If a sincere love letter is beyond your capabilities, let Cyrano do the work for you. Merely fill in a few blanks, and the server will compose a love letter in any of seven distinct styles. Also available: personalized Dear John letters.